- Clarke, J., Shillington, D. J., Regalla, C., Gaherty, J. B., Estep, J., Wiens, D. A., et al. (2024). Controls on bending-related faulting offshore of the Alaska Peninsula. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25, e2023GC011271.
- Schottenfels, E., Regalla, C. and Nakamura, Y., 2024. Influence of outer-rise faults on shallow décollement heterogeneity and sediment flux at the Japan trench. Seismica, 3(1).
- Harrichhausen, N., Finley, T., Morell, K. D., Regalla, C., Bennett, S. E. K., Leonard, L. J., et al. (2023). Discovery of an active forearc fault in an urban region: Holocene rupture on the XEOLXELEK-Elk Lake fault, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Tectonics, 42, e2023TC008170.
- Harrichhausen, Nicolas, Kristin D. Morell, and Christine Regalla. "Inner forearc faults in northern Cascadia do not accommodate elastic strain driven by the megathrust seismic cycle." Seismica 2, no. 4 (2023).
- Kodaira, S., Conin, M., Fulton, P., Kirkpatrick, J., Regalla, C., Ujiie, K., Okutsu, N., Maeda, L., Toczko, S. and Eguchi, N., 2023. Expedition 405 Scientific Prospectus: Tracking Tsunamigenic Slip Across the Japan Trench (JTRACK). Scientific prospectus, 405.
- Hilley, G. E. (ed.), Brodsky, E., Roman, D., Shillington, D. J., Brudizski, M., Behn, M. and the SZ4D RCN (2022). SZ4D Implementation Plan. Stanford Digital Repository. Available at
- Seyler, C.E., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Faber, C., Licht, A., Šilerová, D. and Regalla, C., 2022 Structural and metamorphic history of the Leech River Shear Zone, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Tectonics, p.e2021TC007132.
- Harrichhausen, N., Morell, K.D., Regalla, C., Lynch, E.M. and Leonard, L.J., 2022, Eocene Terrane Accretion in Northern Cascadia Recorded by Brittle Left‐lateral Slip on the San Juan Fault. Tectonics, p.e2022TC007317.
- Regalla, C., Kirby, E., Mahan, S., McDonald, E., Pangrcic, H., Binkley, A., Schottenfels, E., LaPlante, A., Sethanant, I. and Lynch, E.M., 2022. Late Holocene rupture history of the Ash Hill fault, Eastern California Shear Zone, and the potential for seismogenic strain transfer between nearby faults. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
- Schottenfels, E.R. and Regalla, C.A., 2021. Bathymetric Signatures of Submarine Forearc Deformation: A Case Study in the Nankai Accretionary Prism. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(11), p.e2021GC010050.
- Harrichhausen, N., Morell, K.D., Regalla, C., Bennett, S.E., Leonard, L.J., Lynch, E.M. and Nissen, E., 2021. Paleoseismic Trenching Reveals Late Quaternary Kinematics of the Leech River Fault: Implications for Forearc Strain Accumulation in Northern Cascadia. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 111(2), pp.1110-1138.
- Lackey, J.K., Regalla, C.A. and Moore, G.F., 2020, Tectonic Influences on Trench Slope Basin Development via Structural Restoration Along the Outer Nankai Accretionary Prism, Southwest Japan. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, p.e2020GC009038.
- Tobin, H., Hirose, T., Ikari, M., Kanagawa, K., Kimura, G., Kinoshita, M., Kitajima, H., Saffer, D., Yamaguchi, A. Eguchi, N., Maeda, L., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 358 Scientists, 2020. NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4: Nankai Seismogenic/Slow Slip Megathrust. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 358: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
- Brodsky, E.E., et al., 2020. The state of stress on the fault before, during, and after a major earthquake. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 48.
- Regalla, C., Bierman, P. and Rood, D.H., 2019. Meteoric 10Be reveals a young, active accretionary prism and structurally complex décollement in the vicinity of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake rupture. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
- Tobin, H., Hirose, T., Ikari, M., Kanagawa, K., Kimura, G., Kinoshita, M., Kitajima, H., Saffer, D., Yamaguchi, A. Eguchi, N., Maeda, L., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 358 Scientists, 2019. Expedition 358 Preliminary Report: NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4: Nankai Seismogenic/Slow Slip Megathrust. International Ocean Discovery Program.
- Finley, T., Morell, K., Leonard, L., Regalla, C., Johnston, S.T. and Zhang, W., 2019. Ongoing oroclinal bending in the Cascadia forearc and its relation to concave-outboard plate margin geometry. Geology.
- Morell, K., Regalla. C., Amos, C., Bennett., S., Leonard, L., Graham, A., Reedy, T., Levson, V., Telka, A., 2018, Holocene surface rupture history of an active forearc fault redefines seismic hazard in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, Journal of Geophysical Research.
- Cerchiari, A., Fukuchi, R., Gao, B., Hsiung, K., Jaeger, D., Kaneki, S., Keller, J., Kimura, G., Kuo, S., Lymer, G., Maison, T., Motohashi, G., Regalla, C., Singleton, D., Yabe, S., 2018, IODP workshop: Core-Log Seismic Investigation at Sea – Integrating legacy data to address outstanding research questions in the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment, Scientific Drilling.
- Regalla, C., G. Lymer, and R. Fukuchi, 2018, At-sea workshop advances subduction zone research, Eos, 99, Published on 30 July 2018.
- Regalla, C., Lymer, G, Fukuchi, R., and the CLSI@Sea Participants, "IODP CLSI@SEA Workshop Enables New Research
on Subduction Zone Hazards by Leveraging Legacy Ocean Drilling Data", Spring 2018 Ocean Discovery Newsletter, p. 14. - Regalla, C., Rowe, C.D, Harrichhaussen, N.*, Tarling, M.*, Singh, J.*, 2018, Styles of Underplating in the Marin Headlands Terrane, Franciscan Complex, California, GSA Special Publications 534.
- Li, G*., Liu, Y., Regalla, C. and Morell, K.D., 2018. Seismicity relocation and fault structure near the Leech River Fault Zone, southern Vancouver Island. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(4), pp.2841-2855.
- Regalla, C., Fisher, D., Kirby, E., Oakley, D.*, Taylor, S.*, 2017, Slip inversion along forearc faults, eastern Tohoku, Japan, Tectonics.
- Morell, K.D., Regalla, C., Leonard, L.J., Amos, C., Levson, V., 2017. Quaternary Rupture of a Crustal Fault beneath Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. GSA Today, 27(3).
- Regalla, C., Morell, K.D., Leonard, L., Amos, C., Levson, V., Rogalski, E.*, 2016, Evidence for late Quaternary surface rupture along the Leech River fault near Victoria, British Columbia, Proceeding of the 7th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (J.P. McCalpin & C. Gruetzner, eds.). ISBN 978-0-9974355-2-8.
- Kirby, E., McDonald, E., Gosse, J., Mason, C., Phillips, F., Regalla, C. and Romans, B., 2016 Annual Pacific Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Trip Panamint Valley, California.
- Kirkpatrick, J. D., Rowe, C. D., Ujiie, K., Moore, J. C., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Toy, V., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Kameda, J., Bose, S., Chester, F. M., 2015, Structure and lithology of the Japan Trench subduction plate boundary fault. Tectonics 34, no. 1 53-69.
- Regalla, C., Fisher, D.M., Kirby, E., Furlong, K. P., 2013, Relationship between outer forearc subsidence and plate boundary kinematics at the Northeast Japan non-accretionary margin, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. doi: 10.1002/2013GC005008.
- Chester, F.M., Rowe, C., Ujiie, K., Kirkpatrick, J., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Moore, J.C., Toy, V., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Bose, S., Kameda, J., Mori, J., Brodsky, E., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and Expedition 343 and 343T Scientists, 2013, Structure and composition of the plate boundary slip zone for the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, Science, Vol. 342 no. 6163 pp. 1208-1211.
- Regalla, C., Kirby, E., Fisher, D., 2013, Active forearc shortening in Tohoku, Japan: Constraints on fault geometry from erosion rates and fluvial longitudinal profiles, Geomorphology. 195, 84-93.
- Fulton, P. M., Brodsky, E. E., Kano, Y., Mori, J., Chester, F., Ishikawa, T., Harris, R.N., Lin, W., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343/343T and KR13-08 Scientists 2013, Low coseismic friction on the Tohoku-Oki fault determined from temperature measurements, Science, v. 342, p. 1214-1217.
- Nakamura, Y., Kodaira, S., Miura, S., Regalla, C., Takahashi, N., 2013, High-resolution seismic imaging in the Japan Trench axis area off Miyagi, northeastern Japan, Geophysical Research Letters.
- Lin, W., Conin, M., Moore, J. C., Chester, F. M., Nakamura, Y., Mori, J. M., Anderson, L., Eguchi, N., Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013, Stress state in the largest displacement area of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake, Science, v. 339, p. 687-690.
- Chester, F.M., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2013, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 343/343T.
- Chester, F.M., Mori, J.J., Toczko, S., Eguchi, N., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2012, Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST). IODP Preliminary Report, 343/343T.
- Regalla, C., Fisher, D., Kirby, E., 2010, Timing and magnitude of shortening within the inner forearc of the Japan Trench, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 15, B03411.
- Anastasio, D.J., Majerowicz, C.N., Pazzaglia, F.J., Regalla, C.A., 2010, Late Pleistocene - Holocene ruptures of the Lima Reservoir fault, SW Montana, Journal of Structural Geology, v 32, is 12, pp 1996-2008.
- Regalla, C.A., Anastasio, D.J., Pazzaglia, F.J., 2007, Characterization of the Monument Hill fault system and implications for the active tectonics of the Red Rock Valley, Southwestern Montana, Journal of Structural Geology, v. 29, n. 8., p 1339-1352.
- Wegmann, K.W., Zurek, B.D., Regalla, C.A., Bilardello, D., Wollenberg, J.L., Kopczynski, S.E., Apgar, J.D., Haight, S.S., Zhao, C., Ziemann, J.M, Pazzaglia, F.J, 2007, Position of the Snake River watershed divide as an indicator of geodynamic processes in the greater Yellowstone region, western North America, Geosphere, v. 3, no. 4, p. 272–281.
- Regalla, C.A., Reyman, D.K.S., Anastasio, D.J., Pazzaglia, F.J, 2006, Bedrock and Surficial Geologic Map of the Red Rock 7.5’ Quadrangle, Beaverhead County, Southwestern Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 533, scale 1:24,000, 21p.
- Newton, M.L., Regalla, C.A., Anastasio, D.J, and Pazzaglia, F.J., 2005, Bedrock and surficial geologic map of the Monument Hill 7.5’ quadrangle, Southwest Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open File Report MBMG 517, scale 1:24,000, 14 p.
Grants Awarded:
- NSF OCE Marine Geology 2021: Impact of horst and graben subduction on sediment flux and shallow décollement geometry in the Japan Trench
- USGS EDMAP Grant 2021: New surficial geologic map of the transfer zone between the Panamint and Ash Hill faults, Eastern California Shear Zone
- IODP Post Expedition Award 2019: Restoration of deformation of the Nankai frontal thrust
- NSF EAR Tectonics 2018: Collaborative Research: Permanent forearc strain partitioning in northern Cascadia
- SCEC 2018: Testing for Holocene clustered earthquakes on the Ash Hill Fault, northern ECSZ
- PRIME Seed Grant 2017: Can cosmogenic 26Al and 36Cl basin-averaged erosion rates in carbonates be used to quantify rates of tectonic processes: A case study in Oman
- NSF_EAR Tectonics Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014: Getting over the hump – Effect of seamount subduction on fault geometry and rupture propagation
- IODP Post-Expedition Research Award, 2012: Age and Accretion History of the Frontal Wedge in the Vicinity of the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake
- Geological Society of America, Student research grant recipient, 2010: Late Pleistocene-Holocene rupture history along the Ash Hill fault, Eastern California Shear Zone
- Geological Society of America, Student research grant recipient, 2008: Timing and Kinematics of the Futaba Fault, Northeastern Honshu, Japan
Honors and Awards:
- Distinguished Professor, College of the Environment, Forestry & Natural Sciences (2022-2023)
- Most influential faculty member for NAU Gold Axe recipient Sarah Nolte-Caraway (Fall 2020)
- Doris Curtis Outstanding Woman in Science, Geological Society of America (2016)
- GeoPRISMS Student Prize, First Place Oral Presentation, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (2011)
- Scholten-Williams-Wright Graduate Fellowship, Pennsylvania State University Department of Geosciences (2010-2011)
- Marathon Alumni Centennial Graduate Fellowship, Pennsylvania State University College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (2006)
- Donnel Foster Hewett Award, Lehigh University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2005)
- Presidential Scholarship, Lehigh University (2005-2006)
- Lemon Prize recipient, Roy Eckardt College Scholar Program outstanding senior theses, Lehigh University (2005)
- Roy Eckardt College Scholar, Lehigh University (2001–2005)